Parent Governor Election
Exciting opportunity!!
We have a vacancy for ONE parent governor at our school. Letters will be sent out on Monday 25th February 2019.
What is the role of a Parent Governor?
The governing body, with the headteacher, has overall responsibility for the running of the school. Governing bodies have three main roles:-
- Ensuring clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction;
- Holding the headteacher to account for the educational performance of the school and its pupils; and
- Overseeing the financial performance of the school and making sure its money is well spent.
Our parent governors have a term of office of 4 years. Our governing body usually meets 6 times a year and has 2 committees who meet 3 times a term.
If you would like to stand for election or wish to nominate someone else, you should complete the form and return it to the school via your child. Completed nomination forms must be returned by the end of the school day on Friday 8th March 2019. If there are more nominations than vacant posts, a ballot will be held and one voting paper per parent will be sent to you via your child.
If you would like further information on your eligibility to serve as a parent governor or on the role of a governor, please speak to Mr Alcock. Alternatively why not speak to one of our current parent governors, Mr Hand or Mrs Maynard.