
If you would like your child to attend our school, please see full details of our admission arrangements below.

When can my child start school?


We are a large three form entry school and currently in Reception to Year 6 the planned admission limit for the school is 90.  We presently have 650 children on roll (including nursery). 

Pupils are admitted to the full-time Foundation Stage at the beginning of the school year in which they are 4 years old. They are in their correct academic year and will stay with this year group for the whole of their school life. 

Pupils will then move into the following classes: -

  • Reception classes in the year they are 5
  • Year 1 classes in the year they are 6
  • Year 2 classes in the year they are 7
  • Year 3 classes in the year they are 8
  • Year 4 classes in the year they are 9
  • Year 5 classes in the year they are 10
  • Year 6 classes in the year they are 11



If you would like your child to come to our school then please contact the School Admissions Service on the website below where you can complete an application form online. 

If you would like your child to attend our Nursery the procedure is slightly different. All you need to do is contact the school office and give your child’s details will be kept on file until they are due to start. You will hear via letter as to whether a place is available for your child to start school. 

Children who attend our nursery do not automatically receive a full time place.  Parents must ensure that an application is submitted to the Local Authority via the School Admissions Website (link below).  You will receive a letter alerting when this needs to be completed.